That Time I Made a Vegan Eat Meat by Accident

No, its no the title of a new manga or something like that, this actually happened.

But we need more context before the story of what happened that day, I think it was when i had 18, so like i dont have friends where i live and never leave my house.

So i have friends that live in another state, at that time knew them for about 3 years i think, and i still talk to them to this day, but one time they asked me to go and hangout with them, and i said yeah why not, i just have to pay the bus and they take care of me with food and where to sleep.

When i went to buy the bus ticket i asked the lady how long the trip would take, she said like 20 hours, and i was like oh shit, but anyway i was decided to take it, and the day i was going to take the bus, my mom made some food for my travel, some tacos of different things, one of them was “Machaca” that is basically “Dry Meat”.

After a 20 hour bus trip and no Ass left, i arrived to my destination and meet my friends in real life, it was 11 pm or something and when i was waiting for them on the terminal a lady was screaming for no reason.

My friends arrive and they take me to the house where there was a party, i meet everyone and a friend of mine help me with my backpack and i see that i have some “burritos” left from the trip, i give it to him and say that he can eat it, he and another guy eats all of them and one guy says: YO THIS SHIT IS GOOD, WHAT IS THIS?!
me: its machaca.
and they dont know what is that on that state.

the next day i explain what machaca is to my friends, and they are in shock for a second, and they tell me that the other guy that was eating the “burrito” was vegan, was.

I DIDNT KNOW! but that happened.

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