Shigatsu wa kimi no uso: Anime Recommendation


Shigatsu wa kimi no uso or your lie in april is about a young pianist named Kо̄sei Arima, who loses the ability to perform the piano after his mother’s death, and his experiences after he meets violinist Kaori Miyazono.

My opinion

Shigatsu wa kimi no uso is my favorite anime of all the time i like everything about this anime the soundtrack, characters, the animation and the plot.


So basically the piano it’s my favorite instrument and the violin the second, just that it was a reason to like this anime for me.
but the sountrack it’s the best i like both openings and endings specially the first opening.


the animation of this anime it’s really good it goes really well with music and helps you to feel the emotions that are being portrait in the anime.


i like all the characters in this anime, they work really well with each other even when they are so different and yes they are kind of toxic but it has sense and it’s realistic since they are teenagers it will be strange if all of them were walking greenflags and this anime its almost 10 years.

Kaori it’s nothing like kousei but they understand each other cause they are both musicians, one is monotonous while the other an explosion of impulsivity but they work together and well if you think about it Kaori it’s like kousei’s mother both die of illness and both make kousei play pian, of couse they have different impacts in kousei’s life one made him suffer and regret while the other one makes him forgive himself and keep going foward.
Kaori basically teachs Kousei that life keeps going on even when she knows her own life it’s about to end, it may be selfish but it helped.

Final thoughts

Shigatsu wa kimi no uso it’s an anime i will recommend to anyone, it does not matter what type of anime you like or if you don’t even like anime, i have watch this anime many times and let me waiting for another spring coming, spring without you is coming.

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