Sasaki to Miyano: Anime Recommendation


Yoshikazu Miyano’s troubles first start one hot summer day when Shuumei Sasaki steps into his life. Sasaki saves Miyano’s classmate from a group of bullies, and after that, Miyano cannot seem to shake off his eccentric upperclassman. His silent admiration for Sasaki gradually sours into annoyance each time the so-called delinquent refuses to leave him alone. Constantly being called by cute nicknames and having his boundaries ignored, Miyano wonders why Sasaki wants to get close to him.

The shy and easily flustered Miyano harbors an embarrassing secret—he is a “fudanshi,” a boy who likes boys’ love (BL) manga. The last thing he wants is for other students to find out, but through a slip of the tongue, he reveals the truth to Sasaki. Intrigued, the clueless Sasaki asks to borrow a book to read, which he is given very reluctantly. To Miyano’s surprise, Sasaki enjoys the BL that he receives and asks for more, marking a shift in their strange dynamic.

Although Sasaki appears to possess some personal agenda, his feelings for Miyano become complicated the more time they spend together. As they now share a common interest, their relationship is poised to change and further develop.

My opinion

Sasaki to Miyano it’s a really cute bl that was released at the end of last year, i normally dont watch bl i dont like it i think it’s way too much but i gave a chance to this one cause it looked cute and yes it is and i love it, the main point it’s this 2 boys and how they end developing for each other pretty simple i guess but with bl most of the time couples are pretty toxic in this one i see no red flag they are just too cute and supportive of each other so i will not say this is a good bl, this is actually a good romance.
I have not read the manga so i can compare but i will probably read it soon.


Initially, Sasaki is introduced as a bright and cheerful, if overly eager, upperclassman; however, this is not necessarily the whole picture. He can be rash and impulsive, acting or speaking without thinking of the consequences or the people around him.
he is really kind and caring to Miyano and he was really curious about bl when he found out Miyano like it he did not thing it was strange or anything.


He is a fudanshi but he try to keep it a secret, he is also insecure about his feminine features due to past issues.
He says he likes bl but that he is straight so at first he was in denial of his feelings for Sasaki but that is okey it’s really common to try to convince yourself you dont like someone of the same gender.

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