Initially serialized as a manga in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump, “Rurouni Kenshin” (also known as Samurai X) quickly became an iconic representation of the 90s with the release of its anime adaptation in 1996.
Now, this beloved classic is back as the legendary Battousai the Manslayer wields his Reverse-Blade Sword once again, reuniting with Kaoru, the love of his life, in a flawlessly crafted and visually captivating new rendition.”
A Faithful Remake
The episode starts with a flash back when kenshin was merciless asassin in the war era, then is intercepted by the shinsengumi and Saito is prepared to fight him.
We fast foward to the actual year where the history is taking place and kenshin just wandering around meets Kaoru.
She tries to fight him but they get interrupt by “Battosai Himura” who kaoru is trying to defeat.
The Suspect
Kaoru wants to defeat Battosai because he is defaming the fame of his school.
Kenshin, knowing this, wanders around to investigate who is impersonating him.
With some clues with Kaoru he gets an idea of who is doing this.
The Plan Comes to Light
Kenshin goes to a nearby dojo that was “abandoned” but turns out there is the people defaming the dojo of kaoru.
When he ask about “Battosai” he gets jumped by a bunch guys that are mad.
With all of them beated, Kenshin comes back to Kaoru dojo and faces against the “Battosai”
You know it, i know it, that guy got destroyed and kenshin saved kaoru.
The visual and audio are damn good, this first episode is a faithful adaptation of the manga.
At the beginning i was not sure to watch this remake, but after this episode i’m convinced to watch all Rurouni Kenshin.