Ore Monogatari: Anime Recommendation


Ore Monogatari follows Takeo Gōda, a tall and muscular high school student who does not have much luck with women, as every girl he likes ends up falling for his best friend, Makoto Sunakawa, who is charming and good-looking. This all changes when he saves Rinko Yamato, a petite shy girl who, above all other expectations, falls in love with Takeo, beginning a unique love story.

My Opinion

Ore Monogatari is a shoujo a romance comedy and is just what it looks like  a romantic story between 2 character that you would normally not think they are dating, basically cause they look so different from each other, honestly i think maybe the anime is too long for what is about with 12 chapters will be enough, but the story is okay and if you like shoujo or romantic comedies you will probably enjoy it, is definitely not one of my favorites but is a cute story.

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