Nisekoi: Anime Recommendation


Nisekoi follows high school students Raku Ichijo, the son of a leader in the Yakuza faction Shuei-gumi, and Chitoge Kirisaki, the daughter of a boss in a rival gang known as Beehive.
They unexpectedly meet when Chitoge hops a wall and knees Raku in the face. After she runs off, Raku realizes he has lost his locket which was given to him by his childhood sweetheart with whom he made a secret promise.
After discovering Chitoge is a new transfer student in his class, he forces her to help him look for the locket. During the search, they begin to dislike each other.

My Opinion

Nisekoi is a really common comedy romance, just that in this anime any of the main couple like each other, they are basically force to be together and is a Harem so there are other characters going for the main character Raku.
Even when Nisekoi is really cliche is enjoyable, is funny but really generic.
The animation is great, it looks pretty good, so if you like shounens and comedy you can watch it, i dont think you should expect much since the plot is already pretty simple and just basic.

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