Nijiiro Days: Anime Recommendation


Nijiiro Days follows four high school boys who are all friends. They do not belong to any club and just like to hang out with each other. Natsuki, the protagonist, is a hopeless romantic who has a crush on a girl named Anna who he met after his ex-girlfriend dumped him. He realizes he’s in love with Anna and with the support of his three friends, he tries to show her how he feels in hopes of a relationship. However, he is faced with many obstacles.

My Opinion

Nijiiro Days is an anime with 24 chapters and each one is just 13 minutes long so is really fast to finish, Nijiiro Days is really enjoyable and easy to watch does not have any difficult plot or anything like that just the story of 4 boys at school, the story focus on Natsuki the most but each character has a good amount of screentime and show how each relationship is develop is what you would expect from any shoujo but instead of 1 main couple with a female and male main characters Nijiiro Days has 4 Main Relationships with 4 boys in the main roles .

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