Initial D – Anime Recommendation


Initial D” revolves around Takumi Fujiwara, a seemingly ordinary high schooler who unknowingly hones his exceptional driving skills by delivering tofu for his father’s shop across the treacherous mountain passes of Gunma Prefecture. When racers from the local team, the RedSuns, discover his talent, Takumi’s world shifts from that of a typical teenager to that of a street racing legend.

Animation and Style:

Given its original air date in the late 1990s, the animation might appear dated to viewers accustomed to more modern, polished visuals. However, the CGI used for the car races, while primitive by today’s standards, was quite revolutionary for its time. The distinct art style captures the gritty and raw atmosphere of illegal mountain pass racing.


One of the standout features of “Initial D” is its unforgettable Eurobeat soundtrack. Tracks like “Running in the 90s” and “Deja Vu” have since become iconic, adding an adrenaline-pumping rhythm to the racing scenes that makes the series unforgettable.

Character Development:

At the heart of the series is Takumi’s evolution from an indifferent driver to a competitive racer. The show does an excellent job of delving into the psyche of its characters, offering a deep understanding of their motivations and challenges. Supporting characters, including Takumi’s friends and racing rivals, add layers of complexity and competitiveness to the narrative.

Authenticity and Attention to Detail:

For car enthusiasts, “Initial D” is a treasure trove of automotive knowledge. The series shines in its technical accuracy, showcasing various car models, engine types, and driving techniques. The meticulous attention to the mechanics of racing—from tire wear to weight distribution—offers an authentic portrayal of the sport.

Storytelling and Pacing:

The narrative progresses at a pace that ensures viewers remain invested in Takumi’s journey. Although some episodes might feel slow, especially those focusing on character backstories and relationships, the high-octane races that punctuate the series more than make up for it.


“Initial D” is more than just an anime about cars—it’s a coming-of-age story that explores the world of underground racing, the thrill of competition, and the quest for identity. While the animation might not appeal to everyone, the compelling story, iconic soundtrack, and authentic portrayal of street racing culture make it a must-watch for both anime and automotive enthusiasts.

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