Halls of Torment – Videogame Recommendation

About Halls of Torment

“Halls of Torment” is an immersive horde survival game that captures the nostalgic essence of classic RPGs from the late 90s with its beautifully crafted pre-rendered retro visuals. 

Step into the shoes of numerous heroic characters as you descend into the treacherous Halls of Torment, where the formidable lords of the underworld eagerly await your arrival. 

This captivating game seamlessly blends roguelite elements with relentless combat against an array of bone-chilling and monstrous creatures.

Halls of Torment

What else can you do?

Completing quests in the game unlocks new characters, items, traits, or other important aspects. 

The right traits can significantly aid in surviving the horde of enemies in the game. 

The game also features items like the Scroll of Mastery that spawns upon entering any of the game’s levels.

Halls of Torment


The game is available on Steam and has a dedicated community on Steam Community.

If you like this game, you can also try Vampire Survivors.

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