Cursed Oddities: The Most Unusual Abilities in Jujutsu Kaisen


In the mystical world of “Jujutsu Kaisen,” where curses and sorcery collide, the characters wield an array of bizarre and captivating abilities known as cursed techniques. These abilities are as diverse as the characters themselves, ranging from the awe-inspiring to the downright peculiar. In this article, we delve into the top 5 “Jujutsu Kaisen” characters with the most unusual and unique cursed techniques. These techniques not only showcase the creative depths of the series but also serve as a reminder that power comes in all shapes, sizes, and, in this case, linguistic quirks and unconventional skills.

Toge Inumaki - Cursed Speech:

At the crossroads of fascination and peculiarity stands Toge Inumaki, a character whose power lies within his words. Inumaki possesses the enigmatic “Cursed Speech,” a technique that might initially seem unassuming. Restricted to a limited vocabulary, Inumaki’s words hold immense power. His uttered commands, infused with Cursed Energy, manifest as direct effects on his targets. Picture this: a simple “stop” compels the target to cease their movement abruptly. But like any gift, this power carries a burden. Overuse of Cursed Speech risks rendering Inumaki mute, adding a layer of vulnerability to his unique ability.

Aoi Todo - Boogie Woogie:

In the world of cursed techniques, power isn’t always synonymous with brute force. Aoi Todo exemplifies this truth with his unconventional yet immensely practical ability, “Boogie Woogie.” With a mere clap of his hands, Todo dances into the realm of instantaneous position swapping. The concept might sound like whimsy, but the utility is unparalleled. By exchanging his position with any Cursed Energy-infused entity – be it a person or an object – Todo can disorient adversaries and twist the tide of battle in unexpected ways.

Kento Nanami - Ratio:

Amidst the tapestry of oddities, the “Ratio” technique stands as a testament to Kento Nanami’s analytical mind. This technique takes the concept of divide and conquer to a new level. Dividing his opponents into ten parts and pinpointing the 7:3 ratio point, Nanami transforms that specific area into a fragile weakness. The implications are staggering; he can deliver blows of unprecedented damage, unraveling his adversaries with calculated precision.

Mahito - Idle Transfiguration:

Prepare to step into the eerie realm of Mahito, a character whose cursed technique mirrors his twisted ideology. The power he wields, known as “Idle Transfiguration,” is both formidable and disconcerting. With a mere touch, Mahito can twist and reshape beings, turning them into grotesque monstrosities or contorting their forms in ways that defy sanity. This macabre ability serves as a manifestation of Mahito’s sinister perspective on the essence of the soul and the malleability of physical forms.

Hanami - Disaster Plants:

Hanami’s ability allows him to infuse plants with Cursed Energy and use them for various purposes, from offense to defense. He can even drain the life energy of these plants to heal himself. The versatility and connection to nature make this technique stand out.


“Jujutsu Kaisen” weaves a tapestry of diverse and uncanny cursed techniques that highlight the intricacies of each character’s personality, motives, and combat prowess. From Toge Inumaki’s linguistic quirk to Aoi Todo’s whimsical yet tactical Boogie Woogie, Kento Nanami’s calculated Ratio to Mahito’s disturbing Idle Transfiguration, and Ryomen Sukuna’s cataclysmic Spiderweb, these abilities serve as windows into a world where the bizarre is the norm. As we explore these peculiar powers, we’re reminded that within the realm of sorcery and curses, the extraordinary often emerges from the fusion of the strange and the sublime.

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