Can’t Defy The Lonely Girl: Manga Recommendation


Ayaka Sakurai is an excellent student, but she gets nervous at exams, so she had to settle for a lesser high school than she expected. However, her teacher offered Ayaka a recommendation letter to the school of her choice if she could convince the delinquent girl Sora Honda to come to school. When Ayaka visited Sora at her home, Sora was quite willing to go back to school, if Ayaka would agree to do one thing…

Can't defy the lonely girl

My opinion

Again another manga i started because i like the art style i should probably stop doing that.
Can’t defy the lonely girl it’s really simple, you dont need to think much reading it, it’s cute and that is basically everything, i wont say is boring but the story it’s just about how they got closer cause Ayaka wants a recommendation for school that is not necessary and the request Honda made…some are cute but sometimes is too much.
I think it’s ok if you just want to read something to relax.

Can't Defy The Lonely Girl

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