Wonder egg priority: Anime Recommendation

The story follows Ai Ohto, a teenaged hikikomori girl who has ceased attending school after the apparent suicide of a friend. After finding a “Wonder Egg,” Ai finds herself in a dream world where she and three other girls whose friends also fell victim to suicide battle to protect various female suicide victims from the monstrous “Wonder Killers,” grotesque representations of individuals involved in their trauma. In so doing, the girls hope to revive their lost friends.

I  just watch this anime because i like how it looks like so i did not have any expectation and i actually like it, of course i did  not knew anything about it so i was not expecting the suicide trama which was kind of shocking not in a bad way but it was surprising.
I like the characters and how they are like in a similar situation when they have such different backgrounds like they are too different from each other but for some reason they all end “saving” other girls that have already commit suicide and the anime shows you why they did it which is basically society cause society it’s horrible and this anime does not stop itself in showing that,and the main girls became friends because of this which like a rare thing i guess cause i will not normally think they will befriend each other
So i do like this anime mostly but at the end it was kind of dissapointing it did not ruin it for me but i know it did for other people.                                                                                                                                 

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