Detroit Metal City: Anime Recommendation

Detroit Metal City an anime from 2008 when Negishi Souichi a shy young man that move from his rural prefecture to become a singer and well that happened but not in the way he planned it he likes cute pop music but became the singer and songwriter of the band “Detroit Metal City” with the stage name “Krauser” which is a really different person he it’s really vulgar and says lots of profanities.

I recently watched this anime because Kimers recommended to me and i was like ok but i did not watch it until he made me watch it and well just in the first chapter i was in shock and that was for all the chapters i just was not able to understand a few things due to everything that was going on but it’s not boring at all, yes it is shocking but it makes you want to keep watching and the chapters are really short so it’s easy to watch.
I will not recommend this anime if you dont like dark humor but apart from that it’s ok.

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