Akuma No Riddle: Anime Recommendation


Akuma No Riddle is about Tokaku Azuma who has just transferred at a private girls’ boarding school, Myōjō Academy, thirteen girls are transferred into the academy’s “10th Year Class Black”. Of these thirteen students, twelve are assassins from various backgrounds who are all tasked with assassinating the remaining student, a girl named Haru Ichinose. If they succeed, they will be granted any wish they desire, but if they fail, they are expelled from the class. However, one of the assassins, Tokaku Azuma, has sworn to protect Haru from the other assassins.

My Opinion

Akuma no riddle is an anime where 12 girls have the goal of killing Haru including the main character Tokaku but that changes when Tokaku meets Haru and she basically falls in love with her,after that Tokaku is Haru’s protector and until that part is ok but the story has too many plot holes, the side characters are not interesting except for 2 of them but is mostly the same each chapter, someone wants to kill Haru and Tokaku defends her.
the most dissapointing part is probably the end i dont want to make an spoiler but let’s just say is the script’s power.

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