Home GapTheSeries Gap the series – Chapter 1 review?

Gap the series – Chapter 1 review?

Gap the series – Chapter 1 review?

This is suppose to be a review but i’m not really sure how to do one and i can barely speak english so…lets just hope this is not that horrible i will try my best

So just to start they basically just show us who Mon is and that she has an “idol” which is Khun Sam, when i saw the amount of pictures this girl has in her room of Sam i was like she is obsessed but after watching Toh in “SCOY” i will say its just regular level

The thing is that Mon is just suppose to think of Sam as her idol but just in the first part of the first chapter she has already daydream about almost kissing her twice which is really sus but well i just think Mon does not know what she is actually feeling.
From what we can see in this part atleast it looks it all started when she saved her when they were younger but apart from that it looks they actually dont know each other

In this part they present to us the office and her coworkers so we kind of now how they will interact with each other, i think its cute that everyone tries to speak english with her but it has no sense if they knew she was going why they did not knew she speak thai i mean at least the HR should know that.

We finally get to see Khun Sam out of Mon’s mind and well the workers opinions about her are really bad they call her beautiful but cold, savage , emotionless, ruthless etc. The point it’s they think really bad about her so why they keep working there? I honestly dont understand that.
After this Sam fired 2 employees cause they are dating and office romance it’s againts rules, well i don’t understand that rule like it’s not fair people expend a lot of time at work but i do think it was wrong of them to be kissing in the office.
and of couse this is a romance so Sam will be breaking her own rule soon and becoming the biggest hypocrite

More characters first Nop the friend that likes Mon even when she clearly rejects him in the most nice way she can, i dont like him at all, after that we got Mon’s parents i think it’s kind of strange how she can just freely talk about Khum Sam with them like they should suspect she actually likes Sam not just as an idol

Mon it’s upset cause Sam it’s not how she remembers her i mean like you met her 12 years ago and you were little but ok and her mom offers her to show her a picture of sinha too since he looks like sua the dog of Sam when they were children which i think have sense cause it’s not that she does not remember Mon but she does not Recognize her, i thinks she will defenitely remember her dog.
Now we meet other 2 characters the grandmother and Kirk. first the grandmother i hate her so much she just controls Sam about everything i’m even surprise she allow her to have her company for 5 years and Kirk her fiance of course because grandmother wants her to not work get married and have children, again i hate her but Kirk not so sure he seems nice i guess

Trying to be able to keep her company Sam wants new ideas but she wants the ideas right now and the team its just not able to do it immediately so Mon sacrifice herself and says it’s not fair which end in a “meeting” alone with Khun Sam and she just gives her ideas, the strange thing it’s that after she goes out everyone says they break it’s over like how short was that break or how many time did she spend with Khun Sam?

After that Sam decides Mon will be in charge of the page, i mean she just started working there and on top of that she wants 500k in one month or Mon will be fire it’s honestly unrealistic
But after all the drama they will have a welcome party and it’s really uncomfortable if i was an employee there i will definately not go and they talk too bad about Sam why they went? they even said that the cells in Sam face are all dead and of course Mon defend her cause she thinks she knows Sam, someone needs to explain her time passes and people change a lot in 12 years that and that she needs to pay attention when she walks cause literally Sam has to save her…Again

To end this i will just say i like this chapter i mean i like gap a lot i have seen it several times so i do think it’s good, in my opinion each chapter gets better so the first one will not be the best but i wont say it’s bad cause its not like that if it was not for the first chapter being entertaining i will not have watch Gap at all


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